Matrix Essential Training Alliance

META delivers the highest quality training at the leading edge of NLP ™.

Teaching Excellence

The definitive guide to NLP for Teaching and Learning.
NLP Cert Ed

4 Day Programme

New Dates to be announced



NLP for Teaching and Learning. A course for those beginning their NLP journey. No previous experience or qualification necessary.

NLP Teaching Excellence with Kate Benson

Location Amsterdam – The Netherlands

Dates: Monday 3rd February to Thursday 6th February 2025

Fee: £1,200

Early Bird price £995 before 31st December 2024

The Advanced NLP course for Teaching and Learning.

Master Practitioner certification is a pre-requisite.

NLP Teaching Excellence – Trainers Accreditation

Location: To be announced

Dates: To be announced


Fee: £1,500

Essential training for those wanting to deliver Teaching Excellence and the NLP Cert Ed.

Accredited by the Society of NLP and validated by META.

Choosing the right course for you

With such an array of exciting courses it can be a challenge to know where to start.

Kate Benson is the International Director of Education for the Society of NLP ™ has been working closely with Richard Bandler the co-founder of NLP, for many years to develop effective strategies for Teaching and Learning. There latest book will be available at the end of November.

Just Imagine

You could radically transform how quickly and easily you and your students could learn

Just imagine

You were equipped with the tools to entertain and captivate the attention of your audience

Just imagine

You had the secrets of Teaching Excellence!!

Buy your copy HERE  

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Short Courses and NLP mini Conferences

Kate Benson travels all over the world delivering her courses and designs bespoke courses to meet the needs of your organisiation. For further details please contact META.

Join Kate every Tuesday for a Learning Strategies Conversation hosted by Joost van de Leij of TIOUW.

See Kate’s facebook page for the link each week.

NLP Mini Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Kate Benson Training

Kate Benson Teaching

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