NLP Teaching Excellence

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Product Details
What is this programme about?
Every wondered why NLP is used to teach NLP so that it is faster easier and more fun but we don’t use NLP to teach all the other skills, subjects, and knowledge? Well this course is the answer! NLP is not a therapeutic model; it is an educational model designed to enable people to re-educate themselves to ‘think on purpose’ for the best possible outcome. So NLP applied to teaching and learning makes perfect sense.There are numerous courses offering a ‘quick fix’ to the challenges of teaching and learning, however when the techniques don’t work, there are often no answers as to what to do next! This course enables you to develop the flexibility of behaviour and range of skills so you can formulate your own effective strategies to promote learning, improve retention, motivate learners and ensure success for students.
What are the details of the course content?

The Learning environment

  • Deepen your use of NLP language patterns to create states of confidence, competence and excellence in learners
  • Learn to ‘set up’ learning for success
  • Learn our 6 keys to effective learning
  • Utilise specific states of consciousness to promote learning and create curiosity and enthusiasm quickly and easily
  • Control more of the variables more of the time in a teaching or training context.
Strategies for teaching
  • Create learning that is generative, fun and full of hope
  • Design strategies for learning specific skills and tasks
  • Use your voice effectively to deliver your message with confidence
  • Use the art of metaphor to create powerful transformation and deep learning

NLP and Technology

  • Create amazing audio and visual presentations that really work
  • Utilise podcasting, DVD and web skills to maximise learning
  • Experience the latest technology and brain wave research to empower learning
  • Expand your abilities to teach and learn outside of the traditional model
NLP and 1-2-1
  • Change or eliminate inappropriate or undesirable behaviours
  • Use propulsion systems to overcome reluctance to learn
  • Learn to install exquisite strategies for learning
  • Discover effective persuasion techniques and the language of influence
  • Work with reluctant learners or members of staff

Have more fun learning than you thought possible!

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